This offer is available to military personnel who have served or are currently serving in the United States Armed Forces.
If not instantly verified, SheerID will compare the information provided in the uploaded document(s) against the information entered in the verification form. To ensure a speedy and successful verification, please pay attention to how you enter your information on the form so that it will match what is seen on the document(s). For example, enter your first and last name on the form as it appears on your military document(s).
If your last name has changed since your military document was issued, please upload a government-issued document along with your military document that shows your current last name.
You'll need to upload official government-issued documentation that shows your
A hint about choosing your military status: Please select the status that is most accurately represented by your documentation.
If your military status (or branch) is not listed as an option to select on the verification form, then you are not eligible for the offer.
If 1) you are a currently registered dependent, and 2) you have the options "Military Family Member", "Spouse", and/or "Dependent" available for selection under "Military Status", then you are eligible for the offer. If those options are not available, you will need to contact the retailer or organization presenting the offer to ask if you're eligible and how best to proceed.
This is something we take extremely seriously. We only use someone's information to confirm their eligibility. We do not rent their information. We do not sell their information. We do not store documents or images uploaded to our system. Click here to read our full privacy policy.
Yes, you can contact us through our Information Form. Someone from the SheerID Customer Service Team will respond as soon as they're able.
Currently, this offer is only being verified via our online verification service. Our safe and secure process is the fastest way to complete your verification and successfully access your offer. If you have extenuating circumstances, please contact us via our contact form.
Yes, you can contact us through our Information Form. Someone from the SheerID Customer Service Team will respond as soon as they're able.
Verification services powered by SheerID.