This offer is available to all teachers, staff, and faculty employed by K-12 schools and colleges/universities in the United States.
How do I get verified?
If not instantly verified, SheerID will compare the information provided in the uploaded document(s) against the information entered in the verification form. To ensure a speedy and successful verification, please pay attention to how you enter your information on the form so that it will match what is seen on the document(s). For example, enter your first and last name on the form as it appears on your school document(s).
What kind of document(s) do I upload if asked?
You'll need to upload school-issued documentation that shows your
First name
Last name
School name
Date showing employment within the current school year
We understand that your document may only include the name of your school district rather than the school name where you work. You can upload multiple documents through our interface, so if youâre able to upload a document with the school name in addition to the document with the district name, that will help the verification process go smoothly.
I just uploaded a document. When will I hear back with results of my request?
Documents are reviewed in the order received. You will be contacted via email within the next 20 minutes with additional details regarding your verification request. Please check your spam/junk folder if you do not see an email in your inbox. The email will let you know if you've been successfully verified or if additional information is needed to complete your verification.
What happens if I can't prove I'm a faculty member?
This is extremely rare. Eligible academic institutions provide multiple forms of documentation that we can accept, but in the event you cannot provide proof of eligibility, we will be unable to approve you for the offer. But to repeat, if you're currently employed by an eligible school or school district, you should have access to a document we can verify.
How do I know you won't sell or share my ID and information?
This is something we take extremely seriously. We only use someone's information to confirm their eligibility. We do not rent their information. We do not sell their information. We do not store documents or images uploaded to our system. Click here to read our full privacy policy.
I have questions that aren't covered here. Can you help me?
Yes, you can contact us through our Information Form. Someone from the SheerID Customer Service Team will respond as soon as they're able.
Educator Registration
Educators at accredited academic institutions in Canada are eligible for registration. Complete the form below to confirm your eligibility and unlock your free license.